Welcome to Dar Guzeppa Debono new website, a place where we hope you will find all that you need to know about us, the service we offer to single mothers, fathers and their respective families, and all activities we carry out at the service of life and youth
Who We Are
We are a Church Entity, Non Governmental Organisation, which caters and provide help for single mothers and fathers, and promoting the value of life as from conception and the importance of healthy relationships in our lives.
What We Do
Run by volunteers, Dar Guzeppa Debono provides residence, support, and professional help to single mothers, fathers, and their respective families in liaison with other agencies. We organise seminars and pro-life activates in schools and on parish levels.
Why We Do It
To support single mothers who generally are under shock at the news of an unplanned pregnancy, and educate young and adults alike to learn respect themselves and the life of an unborn child.
Life Issues
- Mass with Special Prayers for the Protection of Children in the Womb
- Vacancy: Administrative Management
- Vacancy: Care Worker
- Maria Attard awarded "Ġieħ ir-Repubblika"
- Maria Attard featured on EIGE Calendar
- Schola Cantorum Jubilate launched new website
- Blessing of the Unborn Child
- Call for participants to enrol in an ICT training programme
Popular Articles
- Maria Attard
- Having babies: a “resource” and an “answer” to overcome the current crisis
- Gynaecology Malignancies and other Chronic Conditions
- Background situation on teenage mothers
- Lwien Project
Suggested Readings
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