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Fis sitta u għoxrin sena ta eżistenza tagħha, Dar Guzeppa Debono għenet ħafna ommijiet waħedhom, missirijiet u il familji rispettivi tagħhom. Dar Guzeppa Debono organizzat ukoll b'mod attiv seminars biex teduka żgħażagħ kif ukoll adulti dwar l-importanza li dawn jirispettaw infushom u l-ħajja tat-tfal li għadhom mhux imwielda.
Dar Guzeppa Debono tinstab fir-raħal ta Għajnsielem f'Għawdex u hi viżibbli mil-port ta l'Imgar malli tinżel mil vapur.
Dar Guzeppa Debono twaqqfet fl-1985 mill-Eċċellenza tiegħu Nikola G. Cauchi Isqof ta 'Għawdex biex ikun grupp ta voluntiera li jgħinu l'ommijiet waħedhom u fl-istess ħin jwettqu attivitajiet ta kull tip favur il-ħajja



  • Awareness

    We organise various activities in order to create awareness about the beauty,sanctity and uniqueness of the gift of life, about teenage pregnancy and the dilemma of single mothers and fathers and about sexual health issues.

  • Life Issues

    The phrase "life is full of challenges" includes in it not only those who are already inhabiting this world but also those who are still making their way into it, therefore such challenges must be addressed in such a way that no damage is done to us or to others - including the unborn child.

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